CF-related diabetes can result in retinopathy, ongoing degradation of the retina. However the affects of cystic fibrosis (CF) on the eyes and vision are complicated by a number of possible causes and subordinate conditions.

Adaptation to dark and dim lighting conditions can be impaired in individuals living with CF. Impaired adaptation to dim lighting, known as Nyctalopia, can have particularly stringent lifestyle impacts on those living in hotter countries like Australia where transitions between bright and dim environments are common and rapid.

One of the more common eye problems resulting from cystic fibrosis as a condition is Xeropthalmia. Xeropthalmia involves a hardening of the mucus in the tear duct and around the eye. It is caused by a Vitamin A deficiency and can result in both vision impairment and ongoing personal discomfort.

Additional Resources

CF and Vision:

CF and new trends by opththalmological evaluation: a pilot study – Hindawi

CF patients at higher risk for retinal vessels – CF News Today

Acute retinal vein occlusion and CF – International Journal of Retina and Vitreous


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