Peer Review
Cystic Fibrosis Australia (CFA) manages several Quality Improvement (QI) programs. Over the past five years, a Peer Review has been held at all adult and paediatric Cystic Fibrosis Centre’s in Australia.
The primary objective of a Peer Review is to inform and improve clinical care. It is well documented that improved clinical care improves and saves lives.
Each Peer Review involves a team of clinicians, health professionals, and consumers travelling to the Cystic Fibrosis Centre to review current processes, clinical practices, patient (and family or carer) engagement and outcomes.
In a number of cases, the Peer Review findings have provided an opportunity to seek more support or funding from hospital administrators or Government.
In 2018 CFA, together with a Steering Committee of health professionals, will begin the task of building a new Peer Review program. The objectives of the redevelopment are to modernise and digitise the Peer Review process, evaluate progress since the programs were established, generate outcomes reporting, secure funding and resources where needed, and look at future QI goals.
Peer Reviews in Cystic Fibrosis Centre’s across Australia will achieve better care and create better lives for people with cystic fibrosis.
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