Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition, which currently has no cure. With this in mind, Cystic Fibrosis Australia (CFA) is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people living with CF as well as advancing treatments to reduce symptoms and the effect CF has on the body.
While the details vary dramatically from person to person, living with CF is all about the routine. This routine can consist of one or two nebulisers every morning and every night with physio sessions in between plus up to 60 tablets per day including antibiotics some containing enzymes that aid in food metabolism.
On top of this, there is the constant need to incorporate exercise into each day to keep the lungs active, making sure you eat enough nutrients and healthy fats to maintain a healthy body weight and avoid malnutrition.
Due to advancements in medical research, there are now options to treat people with CF from home and increase their quality of life.
For everyone with CF, it is important to keep well-rested and keep on top of things. Of course, it’s harder for some than it is for others, but vigilance is always key. If they let their guard down and don’t keep to their routine, people living with CF will find themselves in hospital. Hospitalisations can consist of at least two weeks and include procedures such as intense physiotherapy and strong antibiotics administered through an IV drip. People with CF can be admitted into hospital up to six times per year.
Outside of hospital, there are specialist and CF-specific clinics where people with CF visit regularly to be tested and monitor their health.
This information is just the basic outline of living with CF – there is far more to this disease and things only get more complicated when you introduce the complexities of family and professional life. CF is a full-time job.
Living with CF can feel overwhelming at times — but we’re here to help. Learn how to navigate life with CF by exploring the below information.
Health & Wellness
There are many factors involved when looking at the overall health and wellness of a person with CF. Here, we explore considerations from Fitness & Nutrition, right through to travelling with CF.

Treatments & Therapies
Treatment of CF has come a long way in recent years. Thanks to specialised CF care, various therapies, and improved medical practices, people with CF are living longer and more fulfilling lives.

Teams of dedicated healthcare professionals can be found within each state and territory around Australia. Find your closest CF Centre or a CF State Office for support.

Whether you are exploring options to start a family, seeking information about your child starting school, or how to support siblings or yourself as a carer for someone with CF, we’re here to help.