CF CAN PRogram
CF CAN is the Consumer Advocacy Network set up by CFA in 2015.
The objectives are clear and to date more than eighty people have been trained…
- improve communication and flow of information to media and government
- establish CF CAN as a subject matter expert
- create intelligent respectful two-way communication and capture feedback
- promote agreed advocacy topics to improve internal and external communications
- educate CF staff and supporters about cystic fibrosis issues
- establish a devoted and well informed team of advocates with an active voice in their communities and the ability to support national advocacy principals.
The outcomes have been outstanding and many CF CAN members have represented the community at top level government, corporate and media meetings. CF CAN has …
- increased community knowledge about cystic fibrosis
- provided greater visibility for issues affecting people with CF and current research and treatments
- increased effective communication with key target markets including government and the media leading to an ongoing and mutually trusting relationship … we need a seat at the table.
- gained greater support from the community and corporate sectors to generate funds for research and clinical improvement
- created a valuable and enduring cohort of passionate and informed advocates.
A CF CAN advocate must possess several attributes such as …
- sharing a passion for the cause, guiding principles, values and priorities
- the ability to engage in an intelligent and respectful way … openness and understanding of the intent is paramount
- knowledge regarding agreed CF CAN policies and advocacy messages
- the ability to communicate to a variety of target audiences.
- understanding of the CF CAN roles and responsibilities
- the willingness to support Cystic Fibrosis Australia’s vision and advocacy strategies, targets and objectives.
If you would like to join CF CAN, please GET IN TOUCH, using the button below.
If you would like to support CF CAN, please consider making a donation.