(muscular skeletal)

Cystic fibrosis (CF) does not only complicate the body’s ability to access nutrients from food. Nutrients and salt are also lost from the body when we sweat. CF tends to impair the chloride channels in our skin – cellular channels that re-absorb sweat from our skin during the cooling process.


Crucial minerals are lost this way from the bodies of CF individuals. Often these elements must be constantly artificially replaced. This problem is unique to individuals living with CF.


Attempts have been made in the last ten years to better understand the interactivity of CF with other medical conditions.


There are other common conditions, like Eczema and Dermatitis, which CF-related complications in the sweat glands can cause or exacerbate.


Piecing together these small pieces of the puzzle helps build a deeper understanding of both conditions as a whole and hints at the crucial nature of exploring co-morbidities.


Additional Resources

CF and Bone/Muscle Health:


Peripheral muscle abnormalities in CF – CF Journal

Nebraska’s Neena Nizar seeks cure for Jansen’s, One of the world’s rarest diseases – CF New Today

Estrogen in birth control pills may affect bone health of CF patients – CF News Today

Advances in the diagnosis of inherited neuromuscular diseases and implication for therapy development – The Lancet

Bone Disease & CF – CF Foundation

Bone Health – CF WA Fact Sheet 



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